Day 28 of SOLSC

This weekend I haven't done anything too structured or extremely stressful. I find that if I take time to recharge my batteries, I tend to be a little more effective when I teach during the week. Last night, I watched the movie "Julie and Julia" about a woman named Julie who cooked and blogged her way through Julia Child's book in a year. I absolutely loved it! It's great to watch something that I can relate to my own life but at the same time I'm able find some sort of inspiration as well as motivation. 
I have learned through this slice of life challenge that it's a great way for me to express myself but also to take time to learn from others experiences. I love reading other people's posts, whether they be teachers or not, and listening to their wit and lessons learned through daily events. I have also found that taking time to reflect upon my own experiences as well as actions can help me to not become stagnant but to continue to grow. 
My something wonderful for today is to take time to reflect upon my actions but also integrating what I have learned from others to improve myself.


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